Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tidbit Tuesday!

It is Tidbit Tuesday and today I have a variety of tidbits hope there is something in there you can you use.
Be sure and stop over at Melinda Zook she has a tidbit about the keeping the bugs away.

Put fresh made coffee into your ice cube trays.

Use the frozen cubes as a summer treat or add them
to a cup of ice coffee & it won't dilute your delicious
coffee drink.

If you like Pepperoni Pizza but
don't like the grease, boil the
pepperoni in a small saucepan, drain,
pat dry and then place on pizza
before putting in oven.
Pepperoni will be crisp and no grease!

For extra shiny hair rinse
with brewed (cooled) Lipton Tea

Clean the dust from your TV screen is a "used" fabric softener sheet.
It collects the dust, and also helps repel more dust.

I just recently found out that if you have
a *new* prescription and you go to CVS, they
have a list of the $4 Walmart meds...BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK!
They will not willingly give up the info...I guess they
don't want it too well known that they do it to. So, next
time you need meds filled and if you use a CVS, ask before
turning in the prescription if it's covered under the
$4 Walmart plan...doesn't hurt to ask!

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