Friday, August 29, 2008

Family Friday! The Family That Plays Together Stays Together

Are a Bucket Filler Or A Bucket Dipper?

I just found this wonderful blog We are That Family and she was talking about a new program her kids school is using this year. She said they have deemed themselves a " Bucket Filling School".

It's based on this award-winning book: Have You Filled A Bucket Today: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids, by Carol McCloud.

Basically, everyone has an invisible bucket. Our buckets are filled with words and actions.

It makes people happy to have their bucket filled with good things, like compliments, happy thoughts and kindness.

But if you are unkind in your actions or words, you are a bucket-dipper. Bucket dippers aren't exactly celebrated.

This is such a great program. I actually had heard of this idea in a book I had to read for work called Monday Morning Leadership, which is a excellent book BTW. It never dawned on me at the time I was reading the book what a wonderful lesson this would be for children.

I love that it has biblical concept and it can also impact your children as home as well as school. Kristen from We are That Family says it has been a wonderful impact on her children. She says every once in a while from the playroom she can hear "You just filled my bucket, thanks!" or "That hurt my feelings, you bucket-dipper!"

Everyone has a bucket. What are you filling it with?

If you'd like to participate in Family Friday with me:

  1. Write your own post on your blog about anything to do with spending time with your family, it can be things your family does, tips on family time, ideas for family time, creating family memories for your kids etc.
  2. include a link in your post, when the graphic is finished I will get that up and running.
  3. come back and sign in with Mr. Linky, linking to your specific post (not just to your blog), so we know you're participating!

Also over @ Pippin Party's blog she is hosting a contest to win this ebook so head over a sign up!

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It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

Hi Tammy! What a great book and idea. I'll have to check it out with my kiddos.

I've got two links showing up in Mr. Linky there... they are different, last week and this week, I think!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you visited my blog so that I could find yours. I am always excited to find blogs that focus on family.

I love the concept of being a bucket filler rather than a bucket dipper. This WILL be a great lesson for kids.